

6158 Uppsatser om Business archives - Sida 1 av 411

Herman Bergmans Konstgjuteri : Ett ordnings- och förteckningsarbete

This examination paper is the account for the author?s work while arranging and registrating the Business archives and business records of the Herman Bergman?s Foundry in Stockholm, Sweden. It is part of the one year Masters program in Archival Science at the University of Uppsala. The records are from the beginning of the 1900s to the 1970s. Most of the Business archives are from he 1940s to the 1950s.

Hovjuvelerare W. A. Bolins AB företagsarkiv

This examination paper is an account for the author?s work to arrange and registrate the business archive and business records of court jeweller W. A. Bolin AB from 1916 until present day, and a part of the one-year Masters Programme in Archival Science at the University of Uppsala. Problems that have been encountered are treated, as well as motivations of the decisions made during the process.

Arkiv för vem? : En undersökning om arkivpedagogik och tillgängliggörande

This thesis focuseses on archives and availability. The general public seem to have trouble finding their way tothe actual archives even though most archival institutions are easily accessed and provide interesting material.Maybe it is because archives are generally not as well known as other institutions within the ALM-area, eventhough the need to know ones history and identity is considered mainstream. Whether or not history takes off atthe archives is a complex question to answer. Archives, however, certanly contribute to our ideas of earlier timesand the concept of history.I have examined what archives do to make these contributions known to the general public and to whatextent they make their material avaliable. I have also looked into archival pedagogy since it is often connected toavaliability.

Arkivens dag : En bildande erfarenhet eller marknadsföring?

Archives Day is celebrated in Sweden on the second Saturday of November every year since 1998. The aim of this study is to examine how and why Archives Day is celebrated at five archives in the Stockholm region.My empirical material consists mainly of semi-structured interviews with archivists at five archival institutions in the Stockholm region. I have chosen to only interview archivists and not any visitors due to the time con-straints and the scope of the thesis. I have also examined how the goals stated in a government report are carried out in the work with Archives Day.The theoretical framework of the investigation is gathered from educational theory as well as archival theo-ry. For the educational approach I have used John Dewey?s theory of what makes an experience educational to examine whether Archives Day is an educational experience or not.

En jämförelse mellan två släktarkiv : Ordnandet och förtecknandet av det Gardtmanska och det Hamnströmska släktarkivet

For my advanced degree in archival science, I have organised and catalogued two family archives; man Family Archives ("Gardtmanska släktarkivet") and the Hamnström Family Archives ("Hamnströmska säk- tarkivet"). Though both could be labelled "family archives", there were many differences between the two. The Gardtman Family Archives contained the records of several family members from a period of several centuries, spanning from the early 17th century, to the early 20th century. It was by far the larger of the two archives. A substantial part of the records consisted of documents regarding various agricultural estates the family had owned or been involved with in one way or another.

Johan Axel Björkman och P.A. Björkman : Två prostarkiv

This essay has its background in the work I?ve been conducting organizing and cataloging two personal archives concerning the life and work of two vicars, Johan Axel Björkman and P.A. Björkman. The time span of the papers stretches from 1823 to 1982.The main problems I?ve been confronted with during this work have to do with respecting provenance and original order.

Hur arkiverar Sveriges byggföretag? : Ett försök att finna arkiveringspraxis i en för kulturarvet viktig företagsbransch

What traces of their actions are the Building Corporations in Sweden leaving in their archives and are they followingsome archival policies? This thesis is trying to answer that question. For that reason 25 archives fromSwedish Building Corporations have been investigated concerning their size, contents and age. Furthermore apoll performed by the Swedish National Archives in cooperation with the Swedish Employers? Confederationhas been analyzed.

Vilka aspekter påverkar nöjdhet hos internetbanksanvändare?

This essay has its background in the work I?ve been conducting organizing and cataloging two personal archives concerning the life and work of two vicars, Johan Axel Björkman and P.A. Björkman. The time span of the papers stretches from 1823 to 1982.The main problems I?ve been confronted with during this work have to do with respecting provenance and original order.

Tolkningar av begreppet "tillgänglighet" på Värmlandsarkiv

This survey examines how a regional archive, Värmland Archives, interprets and works from the departure point of national cultural accessibility goal ?Everyone should have the opportunity to participate in cultural life?. And it is also a comporative study of discourse regarding accessibility between Värmland Archives and some other actors in the archival cultural system. Critical discourse analysis, according to Norman Fairclough, is used as a theory method. A discourse analysis is made on empirical data based on document study and qualitative research interviews. My conclusion is that if the term Accessibility is seen as a focal point the accessibility discourse in the documents of Värmland Archives and of the other actors studied can not be clearly discerned. Värmland Archives´s interpretation of terms regarding accessibility analyzed in the survey, varies among the staff regarding how the archives and its services should be accessible, and what accessibility means in the context of the archives.

Hans Alséns arkiv 1986 - 1992 : Att ordna och förteckna en landshövdings handlingar

Hans Olof Alsén, born 16 august 1926, is a Swedish Social Democrat politician who served as the County Governor of Uppsala from 1986 to 1992. During the 1960s, -70s and -80s he had several political commissions including Member of Parliament and government Undersecretary. In addition he had numerous Board of Directors assignments in different business corporations as well as in non commercial associations both prior to, during and after the County Governor period.This paper describes the organizing and cataloguing of Hans Alsén's personal archives. The documents at hand were deposited at the regional state archives (Landsarkivet) in Uppsala in 2008 and 2009 by Alsén himself. The documents almost exclusively cover the County Governor years 1986-1992.

Länsstyrelsen i Uppsala län : En arkivhandledning

The County Administrative Board is an authority with big variations in their work. The fact that the County Administrative Board work with so many different issues makes it difficult for the general public to get an insight in what they do and what kind of archival material they create. This handbook is made to illustrate what the County Administrative Board do and how you can find your way to the archives and its documents, both as an employ and as a public visitor.The Handbook begins with a historical overview of the County Administrative Board, from the 17th century to today, with focus on the County Administrative Board of Uppsala. As the Handbook is made for both employees and for the general public several ways to enter the archives are described.Since the employees at the County Administrative Board of Uppsala have access to the archives them self the Handbook also provides detailed descriptions about how to find the way to the records. These descriptions both explains the way to archives organized in dossier and archives organized in chronological order, both provided at County Administrative Board of Uppsala.All the records that the County Administrative Board of Uppsala has generated though the years are not available in the building of the County Administrative Board but at The National Archive in Uppsala.

Dömd till döden : att forska om dödsdomar på Riksarkivet Marieberg

Archives can tell us many things about the past. The purpose of this guide is to facilitate the work of those who want to know more about the documents associated with death sentences. The guide gives a brief introduction to the history of the death penalty in Swedish legal history, to the legal process and to the judicial authorities. It also adresses the relationship between the various bodies and the relationship between law and jurisprudence. The guide presents primarily the archives of Nedre justitierevisionen and of Svea hovrätt.

Musana och Sundi-Lutete missionsstationer : - Ett ordnings- och förteckningsarbete

I have for my one year master's thesis worked on arranging and cataloging the archives from the missions stations of Musana, Congo-Brazzaville and Sundi-Lutete, Congo-Kinshasa, belonging to the Swedish Missions Church (Svenska Missionskyrkan). The archives contained records written in Swedish, French and Kikongo, from primarily the years 1910 until 1961. Records have though been found that adhere from both prior to and after these years. These archives are deposited at the Swedish National Archive and it was therefore important to take the opinions and regulations of both parties into consideration, as well as relying onto archival theory.The archives were initially scattered and had in some parts been organized by an archivist without formal schooling. The major difficulties in this work has therefore been to establish the provenance ? to which creator the documents belonged to, and also to decide to which degree the principle of the original order should play a part.

Smålands Musikarkiv: att samla och förmedla

This study examines the cultural factors which necessitated the establishment of The Music Archives of Småland in 1991 in the city of Växjö. I wanted to know the importance of the local music tradition and the role of those people who worked to create an institution such as this. In order to do this I interviewed the chief collector of early folk music, Magnus Gustafsson, and made use of literary sources to devise questions and evaluate the results of the exercise. In this study I have made use of a model of a musical culture in a society, created by Lundberg and Ternhag, based on the theory of cultural fields by Pierre Bourdieu. According to this model, the stature of a musical culture gives different forms of musical expression certain roles, but these roles can be remodelled, reflecting perhaps political or ideological influence.

Open Archives Initiative om "öppna arkiv" och den sociala kontextens betydelse

There is an ongoing evolution in scholarly communication. The traditional way of communicating scholarly results through scientific journals is beginning to be replaced by other means of dissemination. One new channel for scholars to communicate their results is digital publication in so-called open archives. An open archive is a kind of full text database, where a scholar may archive/publish his or her articles, as a complement or a substitute to publishing in scientific journals. There are discipline-oriented archives and institutional archives.

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